Saturday, January 31, 2009

Oh noes, the world's going to end...NOT!!!

I've kind of been in a creative slump recently. With Sean off embracing his forgotten childhood, no one wants to seem to listen to my creative commentary about the world around us. But it's the end of the month and I need to get in one more posting for your amusement. I was mindlessly surfing the 'Net and I came across the trailer for the movie 2012, which I first saw when I went to see Valkyrie. And that made me remember a thought that I've had for a while now; why is it people are so convinced that that is when the world will end? It took millions of years for the world to form, and yes, we have fucked it up a tad bit, but being destroyed in three years!? Kind of hard to believe. Now I know that this was prophesied by the Mayans, who are supposed to be really smart, but I know a fact about them that may surprise you. I was watching a video about them in Spanish IV Honors (Bumblebee Man: "no es bueno!") and it is revealed that they smoked a lot of drugs and consumed massive amounts of alcohol. So they were probably SO fucked up when this thought came to them.

But that got me wondering? What if these drunk, high-as-a-fucking-kite Mayans were actually right? What would you do on your last day on Earth? Me, I wouldn't sleep, for one thing. I would probably do all the things that I want to do but can't: go sky-diving, spend some time at the go-kart track (new favorite hobby,) and throw a Molotov Cocktail at Greg Hennessy's house because I just can't stand him. Other things to do: have a Baconator for the last time, chill with my family, play my most epic drum solo EVA, and hook up with that girl I never get a chance to talk to. Finally, I would get all of my amigos together, get drunk (why not?), and listen to some Rammstein as we watched the ground erupt beneath out feet. Oh yeah, boyee!

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