Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Sides of Winter

This is, to my recollection, one of the coldest winters we've had in a few years (guess you're not so smart now, are you Mr. Gore?) and it reminds me of why this is one of my least favorite seasons; IT'S TOO FUCKIN' COLD!!! I'm sure we can all remember that day where it was literally zero degrees out and it was just snowing like crazy. No matter how many layers you put on you still felt cold. The heater in my car, which is almost 21 years old, takes forever to start up, so I'm freezing for the entire 10 minutes it takes to get to my school. And yes, we did have to go to school that day. Why, in the name of all that is holy, didn't we have a cancellation on a day that we really needed one? Oh sure, I understand your logic perfectly Superintendent; you cancel school on a day where it basically RAINED ALL DAY and now that we're getting hit with 6" of snow, you think "No, we all have to have school anyway?" >:( WTF are you smoking!? Not only that, but the roads were absolutely horrendous. I was listening to the radio like I always do, and this is a direct quote from Chaz & A.J. In The Morning; "You know it's bad out there when the State Police say there are too many accidents to report." Why are people so stupid when there's snow on the ground? Would it kill you to slow down about 10 MPH, leave your house a little earlier, and drive more carefully so you don't get involved in an accident? But no, people have this irritating belief that their cars will stick to the road like it was made of a combination of superglue and flypaper no matter what the conditions are, and that the road will be like it is every day as they drive along, like God is walking in front of them holding a large magnifying glass and melting all of the snow.

And this brings me to another point; the State does a terrible job at clearing the roads. Come to think of it, they do a terrible job at anything that involves a road. Whether it's paving a new road, repairing an old road or clearing it when it snows, I just can't commend them for doing a proper job. And I always see the same scene whenever I drive past one of their work zones; four guys are standing around, doing nothing, while this one poor bastard is toiling away. Can anyone else tell me what's wrong with this picture? If you all work instead of just that one guy, you can get things done a lot quicker and you wouldn't fuck up the traffic like you do every day for as long a time as you do. There's your tax dollars at work, people...

Sorry, got a bit off track there for a moment, back to the subject of winter. Now I don't want you to think that I think all of winter is bad and that I hate everything around me (although blogging about it is a good way to vent off some anger and frustration.) I love the snow, for example. It's snowing out as I'm typing and it's absolutely beautiful. It just gives everything a "frosted" look, like everything is made of Frosted Mini-Wheats (nom-nom) and you could just sit at a window all day and just watch it fall. And besides, the cold usually isn't that intolerable, not since I got a heated seat cover for my car for Christmas. Those days of waiting for the bus freezing my balls off are officially behind me! :D

Whew, I think that's about it for today. I'm going to go make myself a cup of hot chocolate and watch some Futurama. And not that powdered crap, either. I'm talking about the kind where you have to boil the milk and then you add the chocolate shavings and whisk it all together. It is delicious.

Been nice talkin' to ya. Bye!

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