Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Oh, why the hell not?

Since everyone else is doing it, let's open up a bit, shall we?
Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Yes...you bastard.
Where were you last night? Home, working on stupid AP Bio.
What is today's date? 3/31 almost into April :D
When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout? Yes, but I hate that "10 items or less" crap
Anyone crushing on you? idk, don't really care
What is your relationship status? Single and lovin' it!
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive? Sure, just give me an AK-47 and I'll feed myself.
Who do you text the most? I don't text; if I want to talk to someone I'll just call them.
What is your favorite color? Red
How tall are you? 5'4"
Do you love your parents? If I don't there's something seriously wrong with me.
Where is the furthest place you've traveled? Florida, going there again soon.
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep? Eat, especially if sushi or pizza is involved.
Do you look more like your mom or your dad? Bit of both
How long does it take you to shower? About 7 minutes, I'm always rushing in the morning.
What did you do on New Years Eve? Had a glass of wine and watched the ball drop.
Was your mom there? Yeah, and my dad.
Can you speak any other language than English? Spanish, even though I'll never use it.
What is the last letter of your middle name? S
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 7-8
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Yeah
Are you scared of flying? No, but I usually drive everywhere.
Do you like funny people or serious people? Funny
What are you listening to? Bring Me The Horizon-Pray For Plagues
What do you have planned for tonight? working on fuckin' AP Bio
Do you have a favorite item of clothing? Hollister or anything with my favorite band on it
Last movie you saw in theaters? Taken
Last thing you ate? Stuffed bread for lunch
What was last thing you drank? water
Are you happy right now? Yeah, except I have a headache.
If you could have one thing right now what would it be? more money than Bill Gates
Who makes you happiest right now? my friends
What were you doing at midnight last night? Trying to go to sleep.
Are you left handed? No
What is for dinner tonight? don't know, smells good though
What is the last thing you thought about? I need a fuckin' vacation NOW.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)

I'm starting to notice that my postings have become less and less frequent. This is probably because: A) I'm possibly running out of things to talk about, B) My life is pretty monotonous and I don't want to be one of those people that talk about their daily lives and C) It seems like no one's checking my blog anymore even though I check theirs once in a while. But like that soldier that keeps getting shot, I keep going. So here we go, new posting.

So since the last time I've updated, it's been almost a month and really nothing has happened. I've chilled with my homies, talked to some people I haven't seen in a while, failed a couple of AP Bio tests (though seriously who cares anymore?), and loathed how my life is so predictable. The only thing I'm really looking forward to now is going to Florida for Easter. It's been a while since I've seen my grandparents and I need some warm weather. Fun and sun, here I come!!!

And now, to Youtube to watch some funny-ass shit...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but you're a total bitch

All right, time for my weekend wrap-up. First off,I've been absolutely loving this weather. It's finally starting to look like spring, which is good because I'm so sick of the cold that I just want to kick Old Man Winter in the nuts. So, on Friday night my amigo Bobby and I went to go see Watchmen, which is seriously the best superhero movie ever. Then we stood outside the theater for about 20 minutes waiting for his mom to show up, having a very interesting conversation about people we know and yelling at people who were driving SUVs; hilarity ensued. Then on Saturday I went over to Bobby's house with another friend and we played Ninja Gaiden II, which is awesome because it combines two of my favorite things: ninjas and impossibly huge breasts. Great success!! :D Then today I'm going to audition for a jazz band. I feel really confident, so wish me luck.

Try to top that, bitches...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

We Care So You Don't Have To

So tomorrow is Monday and the AP Bio test cometh. Just kill me now and let me save some dignity. :P But hey, let's look at the bright side: I don't have to do CAPTs this year because I r so smart. Lookin' forward to sleeping in and not having to hurry in the morning. Not like Sean, who has to take his math CAPT again. HA HA! No, wait, I actually mean "You have my sympathies." Yeah, let's go with that.

In other news, I don't know if anyone has watched MTV recently, but they're starting to get better again (barely.) Normally I would say MTV is a spawning ground for fake drama and stuck-up bitches, but I've been watching a couple of new shows that have me thinking otherwise. First up is Collegehumor TV. I love these guys' videos on the Internet, and when I heard they were getting a show, I thought they weren't going to stick to the original formula. But they have, and it's as funny as ever. Then there's Fantasy Factory starring Rob Dyrdek from Rob & Big (another great show.) I'm so jealous of this guy because he bought this huge empty warehouse and filled it with all this cool stuff. Plus he's got the cutest bulldog puppy I've ever seen. Period. So check out those shows, and I promise you won't be disappointed.

Finally, check out this video, it's hi-larious entertainment.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's like a party in my mouth and everyone's throwing up

I'm not in one of my better moods right now. One reason is that I want to not do AP Bio work on my vacation time and yet that's about all I've been doing all week. It's overcast/rainy right now, which makes me feel like shit. And also, I have no car right now. Fuckin' thing died on me while I was on my way to McD's Friday morning. So I had to get it towed to the Ford dealership, where they tell me my timing belt slipped about 5 notches, meaning not all the engine parts are in sync with each other. No sync, no run. So it looks like I'll have to find other means to school, and I'll be damned if I have to take the bus again. I'm thinking of selling it during the summer, get a '69 Camaro in my garage. That would be bitchin'.

On the bright side...there really isn't one right now. But in the future it seems like I'll have a great senior year schedule, with one open the first half of the year and two the second half. Maybe I'll be able to leave early. That would be nice. I'm also taking more easy classes, like Cooking, Money & Finance (good for future needs), and Auto Tech.

Now I'm gonna go take a power nap. Strange, I feel tired even though I'm getting about 12 hours of sleep now.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Who's Ready To Do Nothing? I Am!

Hells yeah, another vacation hath cometh. Sleeping late, doing nothing, trying but failing to do some AP Bio...oh yeah. It's all good. So V-day came and went just like another day, with me just enjoying the bachelor life (as always.) Then today I went go-karting in Wallingford because a) I was bored and b) it's such an adrenaline rush and I'm starting to become really good at it. Might start to become a weekend thing for me...

Anyway, not really too much happenin' right now. Gonna pick up my new glasses tomorrow, and then ya'll be like OMG GTFO!1!!!eleven!!one! lol. :P But yeah, I'm just going enjoy life as much as I can between my parents bitchin' at each other. But I'll ignore it, as always...


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Explosion of Randomness

God, it's just been an incredible weekend we've been having, am I right people? But I haven't been able to enjoy it because of all the time-consuming, won't-help-me-at-all packets that I have to do. I swear, I am going to take it SO easy my senior year, and I don't give a shit what my guidance counselor tells me otherwise.

Anyway, I've been thinking that my blog is not as random as it should be; sorta letting down myself here, giving random is right in the title. So here's a few of the more interesting thoughts swirling around my brilliant but lazy mind:

1. Where did fish acquire a taste for worms? Because they don't exactly live side by side, and one can't swim while the other can't go on land. And yet, fish can't get enough of them when they're attached to a innocent-looking hook. I suppose one day a worm landed in the water, a fish ate it, thought, "holy shit, that tasted amazing!" and went to tell all his friends about it, and the info spread like wildfire. Just my theory, I know, but let's see you explain it better.

2. Why is it that a trip to Disneyworld when you're young is like a rite of passage? Don't get me wrong, I love Walt Disney and the wonderful land of happiness he's created (they've got his body cryogenically frozen underneath the castle, and that's the truth.) But why is it that if you never go and never spend a crapload of money on plastic novelties that will end up in the back of the closet, you're told you're going to end up an outcast or your parents actually don't love you? It's just that millions of people all over the world never get to see a man in a Mickey Mouse suit running around with his colorful assortment of friends and they turn out perfectly fine. Besides, there are so many better places that you could go relax and have fun in the world.

3. Why are senior citizens still allowed to drive? This just blows my mind. They drive these huge cars that they couldn't drive properly to save their lives. They drive EXACTLY the speed limit (not a mph faster or slower,) causing both traffic jams and aggravation. And they have this annoying tendency to leave their turn signals on after making the turn 5 miles ago, to the point where you wish you were driving James Bond's car and guns would pop out and shoot out their lights. My belief is that as soon as you reach 85, your license is automatically taken away, no questions asked. And to those of you that object I say "Piss off! Go watch your daytime t.v. and reminisce about the good ol' days."

And I've encountered a writer's block, so I will end it here.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

There's a hole in the world like a great black pit and the vermin of the world inhabit it

So I got home today, turned on the tv and guess what was on...Sweeney Todd! :D I fuckin' love this movie, one of the best I've seen in a while. So that was all good. And then I had an appointment to get new glasses because I've been wanting to change my look for awhile now. I picked out these Prada frames, and they're $300(!) worth of sweetness. They should be ready in a week or so, then you'll all be amazed. Colin will probably say something to the extent of "You're such a tool" but I don't care because I'm better than him in a lot of ways, so ha!

Speaking of which, has anyone else noticed how pissed off Colin has become lately, especially towards me? I mean, I'm angry that my life isn't perfect either, but I usually keep my anger inside me like a normal person. I dunno, maybe he's finally realizing how much his life sucks. And to that I say, "It's about damn time!"

Well, back to the grind of never ending work. T.G.I.F tomorrow, eh?

Oh, and Sean, I'm afraid you're wrong, mate. This shit is WAY funnier.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Can Be Hurtful, I Can Be Purple, I Can Be Anything You Like

So the snow is falling at a good pace outside as I type. Hopefully, it will last long enough to get us a delay tomorrow. Fingers crossed! I need all the time I can get to finish the crapload of AP Bio work that is due next week. Why must so much work be placed on our shoulders? I feel like the poor bastards that had to help build Stonehenge by dragging gi-normous stones thousands of miles. Not only that, but my parents are kinda-sorta pissed that I did terrible on a couple of my midterms, but I seriously don't give a shit anymore about what they think. In my opinion midterms are about as enjoyable as being hit by a truck. A large truck. Repeatedly. While someone pours acid on you. Seriously, I need more than a week and a half to go over four months of work. No one can remember all of that info, their brains will explode. Except for Alexa Sanna, apparently, but I'm convinced she's an android.

Anyway, I've finally put more songs on my playlist, including some comedy to show my lighter side (odd considering I'm always so angry and sarcastic.) And on that bombshell, this is me, signing off.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Oh noes, the world's going to end...NOT!!!

I've kind of been in a creative slump recently. With Sean off embracing his forgotten childhood, no one wants to seem to listen to my creative commentary about the world around us. But it's the end of the month and I need to get in one more posting for your amusement. I was mindlessly surfing the 'Net and I came across the trailer for the movie 2012, which I first saw when I went to see Valkyrie. And that made me remember a thought that I've had for a while now; why is it people are so convinced that that is when the world will end? It took millions of years for the world to form, and yes, we have fucked it up a tad bit, but being destroyed in three years!? Kind of hard to believe. Now I know that this was prophesied by the Mayans, who are supposed to be really smart, but I know a fact about them that may surprise you. I was watching a video about them in Spanish IV Honors (Bumblebee Man: "no es bueno!") and it is revealed that they smoked a lot of drugs and consumed massive amounts of alcohol. So they were probably SO fucked up when this thought came to them.

But that got me wondering? What if these drunk, high-as-a-fucking-kite Mayans were actually right? What would you do on your last day on Earth? Me, I wouldn't sleep, for one thing. I would probably do all the things that I want to do but can't: go sky-diving, spend some time at the go-kart track (new favorite hobby,) and throw a Molotov Cocktail at Greg Hennessy's house because I just can't stand him. Other things to do: have a Baconator for the last time, chill with my family, play my most epic drum solo EVA, and hook up with that girl I never get a chance to talk to. Finally, I would get all of my amigos together, get drunk (why not?), and listen to some Rammstein as we watched the ground erupt beneath out feet. Oh yeah, boyee!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I said, Lord, take me downtown, I'm just lookin' for some sushi

Last night was pretty bitchin'. Myself, Bobby Cohen and Dan Abel went to Sushi Palace in Hamden. Kind of a long ways, but by highway it only takes about 20 minutes. So we're sitting there, talking about the greatest movie idea ever, when the Douche Express pulled in: Luca Bagi, John Giordano and someone else. Crap, word's starting to spread about how good this place is. But they kept to themselves, and we ate about $60 worth of sushi and miso soup. Fuck the economic depression, I'm still going to enjoy myself!

So today, no school, which means I don't have to go back until Friday. Only bad part about today was that I had to clear the driveway of snow since my dad was at work. It started out okay, but then the freezing rain came; fan-fucking-tastic. It started to make the light, fluffy snow change into a dense combination of freezing, semi-water (since the temperature started to go up) and the snowblower became clogged and I had to unclog it. I should get paid for this kind of shit.

Still haven't started reading The Scarlet Letter. Maybe I should...haha, YEAH RIGHT!! XD

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jumpin' On the Bandwagon

It's official; my brain has officially turned to mush. After that AP Bio midterm today, which I must admit wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I really need the two days off I have coming up (three if we get another snow day.) Midterms; they're a blessing and a curse.

Well, since everyone else is doing it, here's my list of 25 random thoughts I'm thinking right now:

1. I think both The Simpsons and Family Guy are starting to get less funny, while Futurama will always be the king of comedy.
2. Miley Cyrus needs to burn in hell for having such a annoying personality, plus she can't sing
3. Leonardo DiCaprio is currently the best actor in Hollywood.
4. I don't care how good A-Rod is, he doesn't deserve the amount of money he gets.
5. I would eat Italian every day for the rest of my life and not get tired of it.
6. I want to hit Greg Hennessey in the head with a shovel for being such a douche (or Sean Hines, depending on my mood.)
7. If life gives you lemons, say "Fuck, is this all I get?"
8. Arby 'n' the Chief is the funniest thing I've ever seen on Youtube.
9. The ultimate pizza topping combination is bacon, sausage and pepperoni.
10. Jack Black can sing better than most artists these days.
11. I usually don't let things get to me, but I can only be pushed so far...
12. Rock n' Roll as we know it died when the 90's started.
13. I'm afraid to go to the Deep South for fear of being shot.
14. If I ever won the lottery, I would buy myself a private island.
15. Dubai would be an awesome place to go on vacation.
16. I am the best drummer in Branford (besides Eric, but we're pretty close talent-wise)
17. AP Walking is probably the thing I'll miss most about school.
18. My dream is to become a professional race car driver.
19. British comedy is a million times better than most American comedy.
20. Sushi Palace is the best restaurant ever.
21. I really, REALLY need a job.
22. Dane Cook can still be funny if you don't listen to him that much.
23. The Nintendo Wii is a gimmick, nothing more.
24. There are times when I feel so desperately lonely.
25. If you don't like the way I am, then FUCK OFF!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Story of My Life

Damn, back to school again on a freezing Tuesday after a relaxing 3-day weekend of doing absolutely nothing. I know, I probably should have studied for the upcoming midterms like the little voice in my head tells me to, but as usual I just shut it up with a combination of laziness and music. This will probably come back to bite me on the ass, like it usually does. For proof, look no further than the AP Bio test I just got back. I did terrible, one of my worst grades in a long time. But I try not to linger too much on the past, just learn from my mistakes and do better in the future.

In other news, today marked the last time me and Sean had AP Walking together for the year! :( So, to make this one hell of a memorable moment, we came up with the best duets that we have ever done. Tara kinda tolerated it this time, though I'm convinced a million flaming arrows will descend upon Sean's house in the near future if this goes on for too much longer. So, to the entire AP Walking class, I say "Adieu, and thanks for the memories."

And finally; hey, hey, hey, my boy Barack Obama is officially El Presidente. I was glad that I got to witness the Inauguration, and I must say his speech was quite good. He may have many difficult obstacles to face, but I'm confident that he will find a way to pull us through these tough times. WOOOO, Obama!

Oh, and I almost forgot. Peter and Sean's Greatest Hits album will be available soon, but we're having a little trouble getting the project off the ground. But fear not, for I have a plan to get the money. All we need to do is steal a nuclear warhead and hold the world ransom for...(cue dramatic music)...100 billion dollars. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Mainstream Music=Shit

(This posting has been made possible by the power of ramen. Yay, ramen!)

I'm in a relatively good mood today. I got to sleep in until 11 a.m. (MLK is a-okay in my book!) Then I watched a few episodes of "Stuff Happens" with Bill Nye the Science Guy, can't go wrong with that. Then the aforementioned ramen lunch. Oh, and my mother is making her homemade sauce again, and it smells SOOO good. Now, onto the main topic: I hate most of the music that is out today.

Everyone just sounds completely the same, and you could divide every artist that has a record deal into approximately one of four groups: pop stars, rappers, pussy emo bands (looking at you, Tokio Hotel), and alternative bands that lean more toward rock but suck anyways. Why, or how, did this happen? I think the main reasons are that it's too easy to get a record deal nowadays, and that people can get hooked on just a simple, catchy beat with stupid lyrics that don't even make sense. Why do you think rap artists are so successful? Back in the day of the greats like The Who, Led Zeppelin and Billy Joel, you could have been playing for years in some back alley nightclubs, making just enough money to make it to the next gig, before you were finally recognized. You got a lot of good lyric material from experiences like that, not to mention the times were a lot more turbulent back then, and that's what made them so great.

But you know, there are some truly great bands out there today that not everyone knows about. Those bands that sound just unique enough to separate them from the sea of clones. And to prove my point, I've made a little playlist that you should check out:


Not only does it include some modern bands, but also the ones that paved the way for them and revolutionized music as we know it. I'll be adding more songs to it as time goes by, so keep checking back periodically.

Now if you'll excuse me, I feel the need to play a mad drum solo...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Sides of Winter

This is, to my recollection, one of the coldest winters we've had in a few years (guess you're not so smart now, are you Mr. Gore?) and it reminds me of why this is one of my least favorite seasons; IT'S TOO FUCKIN' COLD!!! I'm sure we can all remember that day where it was literally zero degrees out and it was just snowing like crazy. No matter how many layers you put on you still felt cold. The heater in my car, which is almost 21 years old, takes forever to start up, so I'm freezing for the entire 10 minutes it takes to get to my school. And yes, we did have to go to school that day. Why, in the name of all that is holy, didn't we have a cancellation on a day that we really needed one? Oh sure, I understand your logic perfectly Superintendent; you cancel school on a day where it basically RAINED ALL DAY and now that we're getting hit with 6" of snow, you think "No, we all have to have school anyway?" >:( WTF are you smoking!? Not only that, but the roads were absolutely horrendous. I was listening to the radio like I always do, and this is a direct quote from Chaz & A.J. In The Morning; "You know it's bad out there when the State Police say there are too many accidents to report." Why are people so stupid when there's snow on the ground? Would it kill you to slow down about 10 MPH, leave your house a little earlier, and drive more carefully so you don't get involved in an accident? But no, people have this irritating belief that their cars will stick to the road like it was made of a combination of superglue and flypaper no matter what the conditions are, and that the road will be like it is every day as they drive along, like God is walking in front of them holding a large magnifying glass and melting all of the snow.

And this brings me to another point; the State does a terrible job at clearing the roads. Come to think of it, they do a terrible job at anything that involves a road. Whether it's paving a new road, repairing an old road or clearing it when it snows, I just can't commend them for doing a proper job. And I always see the same scene whenever I drive past one of their work zones; four guys are standing around, doing nothing, while this one poor bastard is toiling away. Can anyone else tell me what's wrong with this picture? If you all work instead of just that one guy, you can get things done a lot quicker and you wouldn't fuck up the traffic like you do every day for as long a time as you do. There's your tax dollars at work, people...

Sorry, got a bit off track there for a moment, back to the subject of winter. Now I don't want you to think that I think all of winter is bad and that I hate everything around me (although blogging about it is a good way to vent off some anger and frustration.) I love the snow, for example. It's snowing out as I'm typing and it's absolutely beautiful. It just gives everything a "frosted" look, like everything is made of Frosted Mini-Wheats (nom-nom) and you could just sit at a window all day and just watch it fall. And besides, the cold usually isn't that intolerable, not since I got a heated seat cover for my car for Christmas. Those days of waiting for the bus freezing my balls off are officially behind me! :D

Whew, I think that's about it for today. I'm going to go make myself a cup of hot chocolate and watch some Futurama. And not that powdered crap, either. I'm talking about the kind where you have to boil the milk and then you add the chocolate shavings and whisk it all together. It is delicious.

Been nice talkin' to ya. Bye!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Welcome to the Show

Greetings fellow bloggers.

First of all I would like to say thank you for checking out my blog, "Random Things and Other Musings on Life." I have been thinking for awhile now whether or not to set up a blog. But there is just so much that goes on in my life and I never really have any time to tell someone about it. You'll find that I like to talk about a lot of things, so here's a preview of what's to come:

1. Things that happen in school
2. Things I love (video games, sports, cars, etc.)
3. The world around us
4. Possibly my private life

Well, that's about it for this first post. Stay with me as the randomness begins. If I may use a quote from The Joker; "And here we go..." :)

Oh, and if you're wondering, "zerstoren" is German for "to destroy", and is also the title of an awesome Rammstein song.

Adios, for now...