Monday, January 26, 2009

Jumpin' On the Bandwagon

It's official; my brain has officially turned to mush. After that AP Bio midterm today, which I must admit wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I really need the two days off I have coming up (three if we get another snow day.) Midterms; they're a blessing and a curse.

Well, since everyone else is doing it, here's my list of 25 random thoughts I'm thinking right now:

1. I think both The Simpsons and Family Guy are starting to get less funny, while Futurama will always be the king of comedy.
2. Miley Cyrus needs to burn in hell for having such a annoying personality, plus she can't sing
3. Leonardo DiCaprio is currently the best actor in Hollywood.
4. I don't care how good A-Rod is, he doesn't deserve the amount of money he gets.
5. I would eat Italian every day for the rest of my life and not get tired of it.
6. I want to hit Greg Hennessey in the head with a shovel for being such a douche (or Sean Hines, depending on my mood.)
7. If life gives you lemons, say "Fuck, is this all I get?"
8. Arby 'n' the Chief is the funniest thing I've ever seen on Youtube.
9. The ultimate pizza topping combination is bacon, sausage and pepperoni.
10. Jack Black can sing better than most artists these days.
11. I usually don't let things get to me, but I can only be pushed so far...
12. Rock n' Roll as we know it died when the 90's started.
13. I'm afraid to go to the Deep South for fear of being shot.
14. If I ever won the lottery, I would buy myself a private island.
15. Dubai would be an awesome place to go on vacation.
16. I am the best drummer in Branford (besides Eric, but we're pretty close talent-wise)
17. AP Walking is probably the thing I'll miss most about school.
18. My dream is to become a professional race car driver.
19. British comedy is a million times better than most American comedy.
20. Sushi Palace is the best restaurant ever.
21. I really, REALLY need a job.
22. Dane Cook can still be funny if you don't listen to him that much.
23. The Nintendo Wii is a gimmick, nothing more.
24. There are times when I feel so desperately lonely.
25. If you don't like the way I am, then FUCK OFF!

1 comment:

  1. I dunno, Leonardo is good..but Johnny Depp has substance..and a good range..and Im not being all stupid and fan-girly when I say that either.
