Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Story of My Life

Damn, back to school again on a freezing Tuesday after a relaxing 3-day weekend of doing absolutely nothing. I know, I probably should have studied for the upcoming midterms like the little voice in my head tells me to, but as usual I just shut it up with a combination of laziness and music. This will probably come back to bite me on the ass, like it usually does. For proof, look no further than the AP Bio test I just got back. I did terrible, one of my worst grades in a long time. But I try not to linger too much on the past, just learn from my mistakes and do better in the future.

In other news, today marked the last time me and Sean had AP Walking together for the year! :( So, to make this one hell of a memorable moment, we came up with the best duets that we have ever done. Tara kinda tolerated it this time, though I'm convinced a million flaming arrows will descend upon Sean's house in the near future if this goes on for too much longer. So, to the entire AP Walking class, I say "Adieu, and thanks for the memories."

And finally; hey, hey, hey, my boy Barack Obama is officially El Presidente. I was glad that I got to witness the Inauguration, and I must say his speech was quite good. He may have many difficult obstacles to face, but I'm confident that he will find a way to pull us through these tough times. WOOOO, Obama!

Oh, and I almost forgot. Peter and Sean's Greatest Hits album will be available soon, but we're having a little trouble getting the project off the ground. But fear not, for I have a plan to get the money. All we need to do is steal a nuclear warhead and hold the world ransom for...(cue dramatic music)...100 billion dollars. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!


  1. PETE!! Awesome blog! Yes, I've got the blueprints for the nuclear warhead's location! Bwuhahahaha!
    I'll miss AP Walking, the duets will be forever in my head(oh yeah)!
    I'll be an avid reader of this blog. See ya!

  2. Dear Peter-
    I really have to tell you that I've read your blog posts and have come to a very serious conclusion: it's hilarious. Considering how much of a migrane you and Sean give me during AP Walking from your A Capella singing, it takes me alot to admit this. lol Just kidding, I don't really hate you guys, 2nd period is FAR too early in the morning for me to be dodging the scary ghetto girls because of your antics and Jessica's all around attractiveness to all that is gangsta and scary.

    -Tara <3
