Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Can Be Hurtful, I Can Be Purple, I Can Be Anything You Like

So the snow is falling at a good pace outside as I type. Hopefully, it will last long enough to get us a delay tomorrow. Fingers crossed! I need all the time I can get to finish the crapload of AP Bio work that is due next week. Why must so much work be placed on our shoulders? I feel like the poor bastards that had to help build Stonehenge by dragging gi-normous stones thousands of miles. Not only that, but my parents are kinda-sorta pissed that I did terrible on a couple of my midterms, but I seriously don't give a shit anymore about what they think. In my opinion midterms are about as enjoyable as being hit by a truck. A large truck. Repeatedly. While someone pours acid on you. Seriously, I need more than a week and a half to go over four months of work. No one can remember all of that info, their brains will explode. Except for Alexa Sanna, apparently, but I'm convinced she's an android.

Anyway, I've finally put more songs on my playlist, including some comedy to show my lighter side (odd considering I'm always so angry and sarcastic.) And on that bombshell, this is me, signing off.

1 comment:

  1. I want a failure pile in a sadness bowl! What them Bush boys up to next haha!

    And yes, screw midterms! I've already forgotten them haha
